Feasibility Study and Conceptual Design

At WtV Tech Limited, we perform Feasibility Study and Conceptual Design for Waste-to-Value (WtV) plants for our clients.

As a part of feasibility study a cost analysis is conducted for a demonstrated WtV technology to find out if the project is viable and justifiable. During the feasibility study, not only technical and economic feasibility are evaluated, but also legal and operational feasibility, as well the project’s environmental, social, economic and political impacts are evaluated. Typical deliverables of this stage may include:

The Conceptual Design starts after a positive outcome of the Feasibility Study. This next stage marks the start of the design process, and the three subsequent stages, namely Pre-FEED, FEED (Front End Engineering Design), Detailed Design, will each go a level deeper, expanding the design with more details and more accuracy. As a part of the Conceptual Design a cost analysis is conducted for all demonstrated WtV technologies; moreover, their cons and pros are listed to identify the most attractive option. Compared to the Feasibility Study, this stage provides more detail and quality input for management to make a decision on proceeding with pre-FEED/FEED. Typical deliverables of this stage may include: